With the contribution of:


14th Annual BIOECON Conference
Resource Economics, Biodiversity Conservation
and Development

18-20 September 2012
College Cambridge, England

Hosted by the Department of Land Economy of the University of Cambridge and
the Department of Spatial Economics of  VU University Amsterdam

Supported by the Founding Partners of the BIOECON Network:
UNEP, EIB, IUCN, Conservation International, FEEM and IHEID

In Association with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia


The Scientific Partners of BIOECON are pleased to announce the Fourteenth Annual International BIOECON conference on “Resource Economics, Biodiversity Conservation and Development”. The conference will be held in the historical premises of Kings College Cambridge, England on 19-20 September 2012. The conference will be of interest to both researchers and policy makers working on biodiversity policy, especially natural resources in developing countries.

The conference takes a broad interest in the area of resources, development and conservation, including but not limited to: plant genetic resources and food security issues, deforestation and development, fisheries and institutional adaptation, development and conservation, wildlife conservation and park pricing, and international trade and regulation. The conference will have sessions on economic development and biodiversity conservation, and on institutions and institutional change pertaining to the management of living resources.

Papers are specially invited on the themes of:

  • Different institutional frameworks for resource conservation (property rights, etc)
  • Developing countries and issues of governance and management of natural resources
  • Resources management, distribution, equity, conflict, conservation, growth and development, poverty alleviation
  • Biological diversity and its global conservation
  • Valuation of ecosystem services and their application to biodiversity conservation
  • Incorporating natural capital into inclusive wealth accounting
  • Foundations for provision of global public goods
  • Market creation for biodiversity and PES schemes
  • Policy evaluation of biodiversity related policies.

The conference will take place over two days, with sessions consisting of papers on all of the above themes. In addition, there will be policy forums chaired by the Institutional Partners of BIOECON on mainstreaming ecosystem services into development policies, on the trade-offs between food security and ecosystem service provision, the development of beneficiary pays markets (such as habitat banking), on poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation and on developments in biodiversity policy impact assessment.

Keynote speakers for the 14th BIOECON Conference are:

Professor Jean-Marie Baland
Centre of Research in the Economics of Development (CRED), University of Namur, Belgium

Professor Stefanie Engel
Institute for Environmental Decisions, Department of Environmental Sciences, ETH Zürich, Switzerland  

The conference will open with a reception at Kings College on early evening of 18th of September.  Conference sessions will commence on the morning of the 19th of September and conclude on the afternoon of the 20th of September. The conference banquet will take place at the main Dining Hall of Kings College on the evening of the 19th of September.

There is a £ (GBP) 85 registration fee for all invited paper presenters that will cover the costs of 2 nights single accommodation, reception, lunches, and conference banquet.  There is a £ (GBP) 170 registration fee for all other participants that will include the banquet, lunches and refreshments, but not accommodation.  There is a £ (GBP) 85 registration fee for day-participants (that includes lunches and refreshments but not lodging and the conference banquet).

There is no further accommodation for non-paper presenters at Kings College for the 14th BIOECON Conference. Inquiries about room availability in the event of cancellations can be sent to Andreas Kontoleon ( Inquiries about registration as day participants (that do not require accommodation) should be sent to  Kristine Kjeldsen (


Announcement and Call for papers

Programme and papers


Book of Abstracts

List of participants

Logistical information
