With the support of: |
Evidence-based environmental policies and the optimal management of natural resources |
21 - 22 September 2017 Tilburg University, The Netherlands |
17.30 Departure buses Auberge Dudok 18.00 – 19.30 REGISTRATION AND WELCOME COCKTAIL Dudok |
8.30 |
Departure buses Mercure - TiU | 8.30 |
Checkout and departure buses Mercure–TiU |
8.45 - 9.15 |
Registration | 8.45 - 9.15 |
Registration | |
9.15 - 9.30 |
Welcome Address |
9.15 - 9.30 |
Final Announcements and conference closure | |
9.30 - 10.30 |
Key note lecture 1 | 9.30 - 10.30 |
Key note lecture 2 | |
10.30 - 11.00 |
Coffee break | 10.30 - 11.00 |
Coffee break | |
11.00 - 12.30 |
Parallel Sessions A1 - A5 |
11.00 - 12.00 |
Parallel Sessions D1 - D5 |
12.30 - 13.30 |
Lunch | 12.00 - 13.00 |
Lunch | |
13.30 - 15.00 |
Parallel Sessions B1 - B5 |
13.00 - 14.30 |
Plenary Panel Session 2 |
15.00 - 15.30 |
Coffee break | 14.30 - 15.30 |
Parallel Sessions E1 – E5 | |
15.30 - 17.00 |
Parallel Sessions C1 - C5 | 15.30 |
End of BIOECON 2017 | |
17.00 - 18.30 |
Plenary Panel Session 1 | 16.15 - 17.30 |
Farewell lecture Aart de Zeeuw | |
17.30 - 19.00 |
Farewell reception Aart de Zeeuw | |||
18.30 |
Departure buses TiU - Mercure | 19.00 - 23.00 |
Aart de Zeeuw's farewell dinner (special invitation only) | |
19.00 |
Departure buses Auberge – social dinner location (De Vier Jaargetijden) | |||
18.45 - 19.30 |
BIOECON internal meetings at De Vier Jaargetijden | |||
19.00 |
Departure buses Auberge – social dinner location (De Vier Jaargetijden) | |||
19.30 - 20.00 |
Pre-dinner Drinks at De Vier Jaargetijden | |||
20.00 - 22.30 |
Social Dinner at De Vier Jaargetijden | |||
22.30 |
Buses to Auberge |
Wednesday 20 September 2017
18:00 – 19:30 Registration and Welcome Cocktail Dudok, Tilburg
Thursday 21 September 2017
08:45 – 09:15 Registration Foyer Grand Auditorium
09:15 – 09:30 Welcome Address Grand Auditorium
- Professor Emile AARTS, Rector Magnificus, Tilburg University
- Professor Steve CARPENTER, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Professor Daan VAN SOEST, Tilburg University
09:30 – 10:30 KEY NOTE LECTURE 1
Chair: Daan VAN SOEST
Professor Martin QUAAS, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Grand Auditorium
Combining Economics and Ecology for the Optimal Use of Natural Resources
(ppt presentation)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break Foyer CZ109/CZ110
11:00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS A1 – A5
11.00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSION A1: Space, Networks and Renewable Resource Extraction
Chair: Renan GOETZ C187
Heidi ALBERS, University of Wyoming
Location Choice for Natural Resource Extraction with Multiple Non–Cooperative Extractors: A Spatial Nash Equilibrium Model and Solution Method
Discussant: Efthymia Kyriakopoulou (please contact author for a copy of the paper)
Efthymia KYRIAKOPOULOU, Université du Luxembourg
Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective
Discussant: Renan Goetz
Renan GOETZ, University of Girona
Tragedy of the Commons and Evolutionary Games on Social Networks: The Economics of Social Punishment
Discussant: Heidi Albers
11:00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSION A2 – Fisheries
Chair: Maarten PUNT C186
Max STOEVEN, University of Kiel
Numbers vs Biomass: Second–Best Quota Management for Age–Structured Fisheries
Discussant: Sabrina Eisenbarth
Sabrina EISENBARTH, University of Oxford
Do Exports of Fisheries Products Foster Fisheries Collapse?
(please contact sabrina.eisenbarth@economics.ox.ac.uk for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Maarten Punt
Maarten PUNT, Syddansk Universitet
Sunk Costs Equal Sunk Boats? The Effect of Entry Costs in a Transboundary Sequential Fishery
Discussant: Max Stoeven
11:00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSION A3 – Voluntary Contribution Mechanisms
Chair: Andries RICHTER CZ109
Ann–Kathrin KOESSLER, University of Osnabrueck
Exploiting Conformity Concerns to Create Commitment for Public Good Provision
(please contact akoessler@uos.de for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Erik Ansink
Erik ANSINK, VU University Amsterdam
Crowd–funding Conservation (and other Public Goods)
Discussant: Andries Richter
Andries RICHTER, Wageningen University
Reciprocal Citizen – Cuts in Public Spending Reduce Voluntary Contributions in a Field Experiment
Discussant: Ann–Kathrin Koessler
11:00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSION A4 – Conservation
Chair: Jan Tore SOLSTAD CZ110
Julie SUBERVIE, French National Institute for Agricultural Research
Paying Smallholders not to Cut Down the Amazon Forest: Impact Evaluation of a REDD+ Pilot Project
Discussant: Ben Groom
Ben GROOM, London School of Economics and Political Science
Land Sparing VS Land Sharing: Which Strategy Minimised the Impact of Food Production on Biodiversity in England?
(please contact b.groom@lse.ac.uk for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Jan Tore Solstad
Jan Tore SOLSTAD, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Economic Perspective on the Nordic Wolf Re–colonization: The Role of Compensation Payments
Discussant: Julie Subervie
11:00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSION A5 – Valuation
Chair: Amy ANDO CZ122
Maria LOUREIRO, University of Santiago de Compostela
The Role of Reference Points in Discrete Choice Experiments
Discussant: Thomas Badura
Thomas BADURA, University of East Anglia
A New Approach to Capturing the Spatial Dimensions of Value within Choice Experiments
Discussant: Amy Ando
Amy ANDO, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign
Valuing Urban Beaches: Distribution of Benefits across Race and Income
Discussant: Maria Loureiro
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Foyer Auditorium
13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS B1 – B5
13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSION B1 – Climate Change, Droughts and Adaptation (sponsored by World Bank)
Chair: Charles PALMER C187
Angela DOKU, University of Geneva
Self Confidence and Climate Adaptation in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia
Discussant: Xiaojun Yang
Xiaojun YANG, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Water Scarcity and Cooperation: Evidence from Rural China
Discussant: Charles Palmer
Charles PALMER, London School of Economics
Threshold Effects of Extreme Rainfall Events and Their Impacts on Indian Agriculture
(please contact C.Palmer1@lse.ac.uk for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Angela Doku
13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSION B2 – Networks, Nudges and Coordination
Chair: Anne STENGER C186
Marie FERRE, Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zürich
External Validity of Experiments in Environmental Economics: Framing and Subject Pool Effects Among Students and Professionals
Discussant: Laure Kuhfuss
Laure KUHFUSS, University of St Andrews
Spatial Coordination in Payment for Ecosystem Service schemes: Can we Nudge the Agglomeration bonus to Enhance its Effectiveness?
Discussant: Anne Stenger
Nudging with Heterogeneity in Environmental Sensitivity: A Public Goods Experiment in Networks
Discussant: Marie Ferré
13:30 – 15.00 PARALLEL SESSION B3 – Imperfect Competition and Environmental Regulation
Chair: Carolyn FISCHER CZ109
Cees WITHAGEN, VU University Amsterdam
On OPEC's Evaporating Market Power and Climate Policies
Discussant: Santiago Rubio
Santiago RUBIO, University of Valencia
Consistent Taxation for a Polluting Monopoly
Discussant: Carolyn Fischer
Carolyn FISCHER, VU University Amsterdam
When the Tail can Wag the Dog: Common–Pool Risk Management and Market Power
Discussant: Cees Withagen
13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSION B4 – Risk and Insurance
Chair: Felix JOHN CZ110
Yuki HENSELEK, University of Freiburg
The Economic Insurance Value of Wild Pollinators in Almond Orchards in California
Discussant: Martin Quaas
Martin QUAAS, University of Kiel
Technology Adoption and Crop Diversity
Discussant: Felix John
Felix JOHN, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Ecological Vulnerability through Insurance? Potential Unintended Consequences of Index–based Livestock Insurance
Discussant: Yuki Henselek
13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSION B5 – Valuation of Water Ecosystem Services (sponsored by World Bank)
Chair: Laetitia PETTINOTTI CZ122
Valeria TOLEDO–GALLEGOS, University of St Andrews
Relative Willingness to Pay for Ecosystem Services in Scotland: A Comparative Analysis
Discussant: Jasper Meya
Jasper MEYA, University of Oldenburg
Income Inequality and the International Transfer of Environmental Values
Discussant: Laetitia Pettinotti
Laetitia PETTINOTTI, Basque Centre for Climate Change
Benefits form Water Ecosystem Services in Africa and Adaptation to Climate Change
Discussant: Valeria Toledo–Gallegos
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break Foyer CZ109 / CZ110
15:30 – 17.00 PARALLEL SESSION C1 – C5
15:30 – 17.00 PARALLEL SESSION C1 – Social Preferences, Imitation, and the Environment
Chair: Marius OCHEA C187
Alistair ULPH, University of Manchester
A Theory of Consumption Norms and Implications for Environmental Policy
Discussant: Ngo Van Long
Ngo VAN LONG, McGill University
Sustainable Fishery with Endogenous Evolution of Fisherfolk's Behavior and Biomass Dynamics
Discussant: Marius Ochea
Marius OCHEA, Université de Cergy–Pontoise
Imitation Dynamics in Oligopoly Games with Heterogeneous Players
Discussant: Alistair Ulph
15:30 – 17.00 PARALLEL SESSION C2 – Tipping Points
Chair: Florian WAGENER C186
Matti LISKI, Aalto University
Tipping Points, Delays, and the Control of Catastrophes
(please contact matti.liski@aalto.fi for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Anne–Sophie Crépin
Anne–Sophie CREPIN, The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics
Migrant remittances can reduce the potential for forest transitions
Discussant: Florian Wagener
Florian WAGENER, University of Amsterdam
Stable Partial Cooperation in Managing Ecological Systems with Tipping Points
Discussant: Matti Liski
15:30 – 17.00 PARALLEL SESSION C3 – Invasive Species and Pesticide Resistance
Chair: Justus WESSELER CZ109
Melina KOURANTIDOU, University of Southern Denmark
Allocation of Research Resources for Invasive Species with a Commercial Value: The Case of the Red King Crab
Discussant: Zachary Brown
Zachary BROWN, North Carolina State University
Voluntary Programs to Encourage Compliance with Refuge Regulations for Pesticide Resistance Management: Results from a Quasi Experiment
Discussant: Justus Wesseler
Justus WESSELER, Wageningen University
Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Dynamic Pest Resistance
Discussant: Melina Kourantidou
15:30 – 17.00 PARALLEL SESSION C4 – Species Interactions
Chair: Emily MOBERG CZ110
Jons OLAUSSEN, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Livestock and Carnivores: Economic and Ecological Interactions
Discussant: Anders Skonhoft
Anders SKONHOFT, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Wildlife Conflicts: Wolves vs. Moose
(please contact anders.skonhoft@ntnu.no for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Emily Moberg
Emily MOBERG, Rutgers University
Capital Investment for Optimal Exploitation of Renewable Resource Stocks in the Age of Global Change Biology
Discussant: Jons Olaussen
15:30 – 17.00 PARALLEL SESSION C5 – Valuation of Biodiversity Aspects
Chair: Nir BECKER CZ122
Ganga SHREEDHAR, London School of Economics and Political Science
Seeing Red, but Acting Green? The Impact of Media Exposure on Altruism towards Biodiversity Conservation
Discussant: Nonka Markova–Nenova
Nonka MARKOVA–NENOVA, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg
What Counts More – Fairness to Dairy Cows or Fairness to Farmers? The Preference of Conventional Milk Buyers for Ethical Attributes of Milk
Discussant: Nir Becker
Nir BECKER, Tel–Hai College
Opportunity Costs of Alternative Management Options in a protected nature park: The case of Ramat Hanadiv, Israel
Discussant: Ganga Shreedhar
17:00 – 18:30 WORLD BANK SPONSORED PANEL: Resource scarcity, resilience and collective action
Chair: TBA Grand Auditorium
Climate change is expected to increase the variability of supply of many essential resources, such as freshwater, and where local scarcity or abundance may threaten the livelihood of many people. In developing countries, the government is not always able to effectively manage the use of these resources, and collective action by local communities is needed to ensure the continued availability of these resources.
This panel will address under what circumstances increased scarcity of resources may strengthen collective action, and when collective action will break down. The panel will also address what policies are effective in increasing the system’s resilience – resilience of the natural system, and of the social system. Special attention will also be given to the intersection between the two, in the form of the insurance value of nature.
Professor Anne-Sophie CRÉPIN, Deputy Director, The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics
Professor Thérèse LINDAHL, The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics
Professor Stefan BAUMGÄRTNER, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
19.30 – 20.00 Pre-dinner drinks De Vier Jaargetijden
20:00 – 22:30 Conference social dinner De Vier Jaargetijden
Friday 22 September 2017
8.45 – 9.15 Registration Foyer Grand Auditorium
9:15 – 9:30 Final Announcements Grand Auditorium
09:30 – 10:30 KEY NOTE LECTURE 2 Grand Auditorium
John A. LIST, Kenneth C. Griffin Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
Behavioral Economics and the Environment
Chair: Erwin BULTE
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break Foyer CZ109 / CZ110
11:00 – 12:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS D1 – D5
11:00 – 12.00 PARALLEL SESSION D1 – Nudges and Environmentally Friendly Behavior 1
Chair: Haoran MIAO C187
Mike BROCK, University of East Anglia
The Green, Green–Eyed Monster: Exploring the Impact of Group Cohesion and Environmental Attitudes and Using this Evidence for Energy Policy
Discussant: Haoran Miao
Haoran MIAO, University of Rhode Island
The Effect of Informational Nudges to Promote Voluntary Behavior to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution: A Randomized Controlled Trial in the Field
Discussant: Mike Brock
11:00 – 12.00 PARALLEL SESSION D2 – International Environmental Agreements
Chair: Michèle BRETON C186
Hans–Peter WEIKARD, Wageningen University
Members, Supporters and Free–Riders in Public Goods and Common Pool Resource Games
Discussant: Michèle Breton
Michèle BRETON, HEC Montréal
The Impact of Adaptation on the Stability of International Environmental Agreements
Discussant: Hans–Peter Weikard
11:00 – 12.00 PARALLEL SESSION D3 – Biological Invasions and Pest Control
Chair: Zachary BROWN CZ109
Brooks KAISER, University of Southern Denmark
A Case for the Commons: The Snow Crab in the Barents
Discussant: Zachary Brown
Zachary BROWN, North Carolina State University
Bioeconomic Feedbacks from Large–Scale Adoption of Transgenic Pesticidal Corn in the Philippines
Discussant: Brooks Kaiser
11:00 – 12.00 PARALLEL SESSION D4 – Forests 1
Chair: Shadi ATALLAH CZ110
Households Livelihoods and Deforestation in the Tridom Transboundary Conservation: A Spatial Analysis
Discussant: Shadi Atallah
Shadi ATALLAH, University of New Hampshire
The Bio–Economics of Managing Invasive Plant Externalities in Forests with Heterogeneous Landowner Preferences
Discussant: Jonas Ngouhouo Poufoun
11:00 – 12.00 PARALLEL SESSION D5 – Management and Valuation of Flood Risks
Chair: Godwin VONDOLIA CZ122
Frits BOS, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Cost–Benefit Analysis for Flood Risk Management and Water Governance in the Netherlands: An Overview of One Century
Discussant: Godwin Vondolia
Godwin VONDOLIA, The Arctic University of Norway
Farmers' preferences for Reductions in Flood Risk under Different Payment Modes
Discussant: Frits Bos
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Foyer Auditorium
13:00 – 14:30 UN-ENV SPONSORED PANEL: SDGs and the Road to Sustainability Grand Auditorium
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been designed by the United Nations to end poverty, protect the planet, and to ensure prosperity to all. There are 17 Global Goals such as “affordable and clean energy”, “quality education”, “climate action” and “responsible consumption and production”. The SDGs are intended as a call for action, but also as a guideline how current policies need to be revised (and what new policies need to be implemented) in order to achieve the objectives by the year 2030.
This panel will address the issue to what extent SDGs are expected to provide a significant push towards sustainability, and whether alternative measures of sustainability, like Inclusive Wealth and Genuine Progress, can act as complements or substitutes for the SDGs – as a measure of progress towards sustainability, and as a guideline for action. The panel will also address the issue to what extent the SDGs influence actual policy making. Special attention will be paid to the two major factors that critically affect the feasibility of sustainable development – population growth, and the existence of positive feedbacks in the climate system – and how they are addressed in the SDGs.
Chair: Pushpam KUMAR
Partha DASGUPTA, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, Cambridge University
Rick VAN DER PLOEG, Professor of Economics and Director of OxCarre, Oxford University
Herman VOLLEBERGH, Policy Advisor, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)
Anastasios XEPAPADEAS, Professor of Economic Theory and Policy, Athens University of Economics and Business and University of Bologna, Department of Economics
14:30 – 15:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS E1 – E5
14:30 – 15:30 PARALLEL SESSION E1 – Climate Change
Chair: Michael HOEL C187
Moritz DRUPP, University of Kiel
The Relative Price of Environmental Goods and Climate Policy Evaluation
Discussant: Michael Hoel
Michael HOEL, University of Oslo
The Rise and Fall of Bioenergy
Discussant: Moritz Drupp
14:30 – 15:30 PARALLEL SESSION E2 – Forests 2
Chair: Edwin VAN DER WERF C186
Bryan PARTHUM, US Geological Survey, Science and Decisions Center
Benefits of a Fire Mitigation Ecosystem Service in the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Discussant: Edwin van der Werf
Edwin VAN DER WERF, Wageningen University
Logging damage and injured tree mortality in tropical forest management
Discussant: Bryan Parthum
14:30 – 15:30 PARALLEL SESSION E3 – Sustainability and Natural Capital Management
Chair: George ZACCOUR CZ109
Eli FENICHEL, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Spatial Aggregation and the Value of Natural Capital
Discussant: Georges Zaccour
Georges ZACCOUR, HEC Montréal
A Survey of Applications of Viability Theory to the Sustainable Exploitation of Renewable Resources
Discussant: Eli Fenichel
14:30 – 15:30 PARALLEL SESSION E4 – Nudges and Environmentally Friendly Behavior 2
Chair: Daan VAN SOEST CZ110
Gert–Jan ROMENSEN, University of Groningen
Tailored Feedback and Worker Green Behavior: Field Evidence from Bus Drivers
Discussant: Daan van Soest
Daan VAN SOEST, Tilburg University
Habits, Intrinsic Motivation and Environmental Policy: A Field Experiment on Household Waste Sorting (please contact author for a copy of the paper)
Discussant: Gert–Jan Romensen
15.30 END OF BIOECON 2017
19th BIOECON Conference |
Call for papers [ pdf - 721 Kb] |